4 Spring Cleaning Tips for Allergy Sufferers

Anyone who suffers from allergies knows how dreadful spring cleaning can be. Even the process of cleaning causes settled allergens like dust, dander and pollen to become airborne. Whether it is sensitivity to chemicals or dust, the beginning of the new spring season brings on sneezes, itching and watery eyes. Read these four tips designed to help control allergy symptoms while you clean.

Vacuum with a HEPA filter.

Just stepping into a room with pet dander or dust mites often triggers allergic reactions. When you vacuum without a HEPA filter, irritants like this get released right back into the room. A HEPA filter is a great benefit for anyone with allergies, because this type of filter traps 97% of airborne allergens down to .3 microns in size. Look for the HEPA name on the outside of filter packaging before you buy.

Avoid harsh cleaning chemicals.

Certain cleaning products contain especially harsh chemicals that can irritate those who suffer from allergies. Many common cleaning products contain these chemicals. Read labels before purchasing to keep them out of your home.

The most irritating chemicals are D-limonene, ammonia, sodium hypochlorite, formaldehyde, and sodium lauryl sulfate. D-limonene in particular has been shown to be a respiratory irritant. Read labels before purchasing to keep them out of your home to ensure that none of your household chemicals will trigger an unpleasant allergic reaction.

Go green with natural ingredients.

One of the best ways for allergy sufferers to get through cleaning is by going green. Purchase green cleaning products, which are now widely available on national store shelves. If you can't find green cleaning products in your area, consider making your own. Common kitchen ingredients such as baking soda and vinegar make excellent dirt solvents when combined in a ratio of 4-to-1.

Say no to mold.

Mold thrives in dark, damp environments like the bathroom or under the refrigerator, so keep your eyes peeled for this common allergy trigger. If you consistently find mold growing in your home, invest in dehumidifier. Mold can't grow unless the environment is damp. A dehumidifier will help keep moisture out of the air, greatly reducing the chance of mold growing in your home.

Spring is the time for all allergy sufferers to tackle cleaning head on. Follow these four spring cleaning tips to keep symptoms at bay. When you do, you'll find it's easier to keep and maintain an allergy-free zone in your home. For further information on treating your allergies, consult with resources such as Ear Nose Throat And Facial Plastic Surgery Specialists.
