Recovering From Ptosis Surgery: Important Dos And Don'ts

If you've been diagnosed with ptosis, then there's a good chance your doctor has at least had a conversation with you about the possibility of undergoing eyelid surgery. Specifically, ptosis refers to the drooping of the upper eyelid; in severe cases, it can severely affect one's eyesight, which is when surgery to remove a portion of the eyelid may be recommended. If you decide to go through with such a surgery, however, there are some important tips for recovery that you'll want to keep in mind.

DO Ice the Eyelids

One of the most common symptoms following an eyelid surgery is that of inflammation and swelling, so it will be imperative that you apply an ice pack to the area surrounding your eyelids after surgery. This will help to reduce the swelling and increase your ability to see as a result. Failure to ice after surgery could result in bruising or even permanent discoloration of the sensitive eyelid skin.

DON'T Partake in Exercise

Refraining from strenuous exercise is also a must when you're recovering from ptosis surgery. Too much physical activity can prolong your recovery, and if you sweat, it could actually irritate your eyelids. Your doctor will be able to give you a specific guideline to how much physical activity is appropriate for your unique situation, but don't be surprised if he or she tells you not to partake in any physical activity for at least a few days.

DO Elevate the Head 

When sleeping at night, try to elevate the head slightly so as to promote better circulation (and thus quicker healing) of the eyelids. A good way to do this is to sleep with at least two pillow under your head, or even sleeping with your head propped up. It may not be the most comfortable position, especially if you're used to sleeping on your stomach or not using many pillows, but you can get used to it and it will help with your healing.

DON'T Soak in Shower

Generally, it's okay to take showers after your eyelid surgery, but you will need to take special measures to avoid getting your eyelids soaked with water. This means that when it comes time to wash your face, avoid splashing water directly on the eyes and do not apply pressure to the eyelids. Instead, wet your hands slightly and gently cleanse your face and the areas around your eyelids.
