Seeking Reconstructive Earlobe Surgery After Your Gauges Come Out

Many youthful fashion trends are regrettable in hindsight, but few are as permanent or noticeable as the holes left behind by gauge earrings. Stretching the earlobes over specialized earrings is an ancient practice that has been revived in recent decades, but it can still present a problem for young adults attempting to enter a more professional career. Even once your gauges are removed, you will in all likelihood be left with unsightly, fleshy loops for earlobes, which is why so many people are now seeking reconstructive surgery for earlobes that have been damaged by gauge use. 

Assessing the Damage to Your Earlobes

When you meet with your cosmetic surgeon, he or she will examine your earlobes to get a better idea of your unique circumstances. If you never progressed beyond the initial stretching and wore only small gauges, reconstruction will likely be relatively simple. If, on the other hand, your gauging reached a truly impressive extent, your earlobes will require more expansive surgery that may involve the removal of excess flesh and grafts from other areas of your body. 

Removing Scar Tissue 

The first step in earlobe reconstruction for gauge wearers is to remove the scarred flesh along the edge of the hole left behind. This will encourage any grafted skin to adapt to its new surroundings quickly and painlessly, and it will also improve the aesthetics of your ear as it heals. During this stage, further incisions may be made to prepare surrounding tissues to be moved to cover the gap, particularly if your gauge was a small one.  

Filling the Gauge Hole

In order to preserve the shape of your ear, most gauge holes must be filled with fresh, living skin instead of simply stitched closed. This skin is often taken from the back of your ears or other similarly cartilaginous body parts. If you are lucky, flesh from your earlobe can simply be pulled forward and stitched into place, allowing it to gradually stretch and expand over time. Otherwise, a skin graft can typically still be performed under local anesthetic with good results. 

Reshaping the Earlobes as Necessary

In mild cases of earlobe deformation, filling the gauge hole with new flesh is all that is necessary to return your ears to a normal and shapely appearance. For those with extensive gauging, however, it may be necessary to remove excess skin and reshape the earlobe to a more normal standard. Thankfully, even the most stretched and distorted earlobes can regain the semblance of normalcy with enough work, and your career ambitions should not need to be put on hold because of your youthful decisions. If you are tired of job interviews ending the moment your interviewer sees your ears, contact your reconstructive surgeons office to begin making plans to reverse the gauging process.   
