7 Tips For Coping With Tinnitus

Tinnitus occurs when somebody perceives sound when there is actually not a sound present. Tinnitus can be debilitating, whether the sounds seem to be very loud or very quiet. Coping with tinnitus can be difficult, and this guide will help you learn how to cope.

1. Understand risk factors for tinnitus.

Some aspects of your life may put you at higher risk for experiencing tinnitus, including age and gender. Military service and employment in loud workplaces are also risks, as is listening to loud music. Certain mental health conditions, including anxiety and OCD, can also impact your tendency toward tinnitus.

2. Understand the tests doctors use to diagnose tinnitus.

After examining your ears with an otoscope, your doctor is likely to give you some standard hearing tests. You may also undergo some imaging tests, including a CT scan and MRI. These tests can help to see if parts of the inner ear have changed at all.

3. You may require treatment for an underlying medical condition.

Some underlying conditions are responsible for tinnitus, and treating them will help to alleviate symptoms. These include earwax removal and high blood pressure. You may also be expected to change medications. Finally, you might consider using a hearing aid.

4. Consider the use of sound as a mask.

Soothing sounds can mask irritating symptoms of tinnitus. Even white noise or the sound of rainfall can ease tinnitus. Just make sure to avoid loud noises. 

5. Take more zinc.

You may see an improvement in your tinnitus symptoms if you begin to take a high dose of zinc each day for a short period of time. Of course, it is important to speak with your doctor before choosing to do this on your own. In some cases, your doctor may recommend that you take melatonin supplements instead to manage your sleep cycle.

6. Change your diet.

There are several ways you can change up your diet to reduce symptoms of tinnitus. For example, you should avoid salty foods that may boost your blood pressure. Focus on eating a diet enriched by whole foods with very little saturated fat or sugar. You should also consider scaling back on nicotine, alcohol, and tobacco.

7. Receive psychological help.

Tinnitus can have psychological effects. Make sure you speak with your doctor about potentially seeing a therapist about the condition as well.

These tips will help you cope with tinnitus, but there is no substitute for speaking with a medical professional about your condition. Visit a website like http://www.MLPrimaryCare.com to learn more.
