Pediatric MRI: What To Expect As A Parent

In some medical situations, a regular MRI is not enough to give medical professionals an inside look at what is going on inside your child's body, whether it is with their bone structure or some other area of the body. Even though learning that you child has to have an MRI can be a little alarming, this should be an easy process as long as you know what to expect in advance. Take a look at a few of the most common questions parents tend to have when their child has to have an MRI and the answers you will want to know. 

Will you be able to stay in the room with your child during the MRI?

When you first arrive for the MRI appointment, the radiologist will allow you to help your child get undressed and comfortable on the table before the procedure begins. However, you will usually be asked to leave the room before the MRI machine begins. This is necessary because it is not a good idea to be exposed to the radio waves unnecessarily, but also because if your child knows you are in the room with them, they may be more adamant about trying to get out, which can make it really difficult for the MRI machine to get proper readings. 

What can you do to help your child feel more comfortable about the procedure?

An MRI can be a little intimidating for even adults, so it is only natural that you will be concerned about how your child will react to basically being transported into a tubular enclosure that makes a lot of noise and can make them uneasy. For younger children, a doctor may recommend a mild sedative so they can get a good reading. However, if your child is old enough to understand what is going on, they will likely do just fine. In most cases, your child will be given earphones so they can listen to music during the MRI and some MRI centers even have a setup that will allow you to speak to your child during the MRI through a small intercom. 

How long will the MRI procedure take?

The length of time the MRI will take will depend on what exactly is being imaged during the procedure. For example, spinal MRIs tend to take a little longer than an MRI on the head or neck area. It is a good idea to talk openly with your radiologist before the MRI to find out exactly how long the procedure for your child will take. For more information, talk to a company like Omega Diagnostic Imaging PC.
