Your Child And ADHD

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, is more common than you may think. In fact, around 11 percent of children between the ages of 4 and 17 have been diagnosed with ADHD at some point in their lives. There are a lot of misconceptions about ADHD, and many think that it can be cured by simply concentrating harder. However, ADHD is a brain-based disorder. Those with ADHD have structurally different brains than those who do not. If your child has an ADHD diagnosis, there are various ways to treat it. Here's what you should know about pediatric ADHD treatment.

Various Treatments Are Available

When it comes to ADHD treatment, there are a variety of options available for your child. These treatments can be used alone or in many cases in conjunction with one another. There are a variety of medications available on the market to treat ADHD. Most of these medications are stimulants that work to stimulate certain portions of your child's brain.

Disruptive behaviors, such as difficulty controlling impulses and hyperactivity, are hallmarks of ADHD. Behavioral therapy can help your child control some of these disruptive behaviors. If your child has difficulty with organization and meeting goals, then an ADHD coach can help keep your child on track.

The Cost of Treatment

Another thing to consider when it comes to pediatric ADHD treatment is the cost. The annual basic cost of caring for a child with ADHD averages $2,125, including both doctor and therapist appointments. Medication tacks on an average $935 per year. If you decide to enroll your child into a private school, hire an ADHD coach, or use other ADHD development services, you may end up paying a few extra thousand each year on top of therapy and medication costs. 

Communicate with Your Child's School

Another key part of helping your child manage his or her ADHD is by communicating clearly with your child's school and teachers. Your child may be eligible for special services or accommodations at school that can help in managing ADHD while in the classroom. It's also important to communicate with your child's teachers in order to ensure that your child is on the right track. Your child's school can be a great resource for helping him or her learn how to succeed and how to effectively manage ADHD.

If your child has ADHD, these are a few things that you should know. There are various treatments available including medication, behavioral therapy, and ADHD coaching. Treating ADHD can be expensive, but a treatment plan can be beneficial to your child's development. It's also important to communicate with your child's school and teachers on a regular basis. 
