Is Your Pharmacy Design Helping To Attract More Customers? 3 Ideas To Incorporate

The interior of the average pharmacy is a very busy place. In addition to workspaces for pharmacists, pharmacy techs, and customer service staff, pharmacies must maintain ample, safe storage for prescription medications and other valuable products. Pharmacies must also utilize a good flow pattern for their customers and ensure that aisles, entry areas, and merchandise areas are well-lit, pleasant, and easy to navigate for every customer, including those who have health issues or disabilities. If you are preparing to give your existing pharmacy a makeover or are building a new one from the ground up, consider incorporating these ideas to attract more customers and grow your business.

Consider adding compatible services to serve a wider customer base

Providing more services is an excellent way to instantly increase your customer base. For instance, a pharmacy that also offers other high-quality, compatible services such as optometrist or optician services, massage therapy, high-quality cosmetics, and nail care technicians will be able to increase their walk-in traffic and name recognition, while enjoying rental income from these additional service providers. 

Consider adding a dedicated, comfortable area for those waiting for refills

Customers often feel cranky and dissatisfied with their pharmacy experience when they are forced to stand or sit in an uncomfortable or exposed area while awaiting their prescriptions. This is especially true when they suffering from an illness or injury that makes them feel miserable anyway. When designing a new pharmacy, owners can help avoid this problem by creating a comfortable space for them to wait. 

Ideally, the space should offer some shelter from the high traffic lanes and areas of the store and be decorated and furnished to create a restful respite from noise and stress. Comfortable seating, access to complimentary WiFi, and a water cooler with disposable cups could help to make sure each customer is favorably impressed with your efforts to make them comfortable. 

Consider adding additional convenience for busy or disabled customers

Designing a new pharmacy is the perfect time to consider adding new features that will make your business more accessible to every customer, including those who have mobility issues or those who have very hectic schedules. The simple addition of a drive-up window where customers can quickly pick up prescriptions helps to reinforce your customer service commitment in a positive fashion. 

For more new pharmacy design ideas geared toward increasing your customer base, owners should take time to discuss their situation candidly with their architect and the health and medical community they work with. 
