These Maintenance Tips Will Help Prolong The Life Of Your In-The-Ear Hearing Aids

Hearing aids aren't free, so it makes sense to want to prolong their life and reduce the need for replacements in the coming years. Here are a few maintenance tips you can use to keep your in-the-ear hearing aids in good shape as time goes on.

Keeping the Devices Dry

Although your in-the-ear hearing aids are designed to resist moisture buildup, the moisture in the air that you spend time in and the moisture from your own body will end up making contact with the hearing aids throughout the day. And at the end of the day, your hearing aids you may notice a little moisture buildup on them when you take them off. Even a small amount of moisture buildup can harm the electrical components of your hearing aids, which could result in them no longer work properly.

So, even if you don't notice any moisture buildup on them, it's important to dry the hearing aids to ensure that no amount of moisture is able to penetrate them throughout the night. You can use a tissue or soft cloth to gently wipe the hearing aids down after you take them off each night. Keep the hearing aids in a dry container that breathes to protect moisture from contacting them while you sleep.

Avoiding Wax Buildup

It's important to keep ear wax from building up on your in-the-ear hearing aids, or they won't be able to provide you with the high-quality hearing support that you should expect as time goes on. Luckily, your hearing aids have wax guards on them to keep the wax from getting inside of them as they're used. But you should replace your wax guards on a regular basis to ensure that they continue effectively protecting your hearing aids. Your doctor can recommend a replacement schedule based on the specific make and model of your hearing aids.

You can get rid of any wax that might be present every morning before putting your hearing aids in by gently scrubbing the base and microphones of the devices using a small brush like a toothbrush. Your doctor may be able to provide you with a special hearing aid brush for this purpose. If wax buildup seems tough to clean off using just a brush, you can spray some sanitizing cleanser on them before scrubbing them.

It's also a good idea to have your hearing aids professionally maintained throughout the year to ensure proper and safe functioning. Regular professional hearing aid maintenance will help ensure that you don't end up having to replace your hearing aids prematurely.
