Troubles With Number Two? Choose The Right Fiber For Your Poo

It seems that whether you are experiencing diarrhea or constipation, the commonly touted recommendation is to eat more fiber. If you think that this doesn't make any sense, you're not alone. That is because those well-meaning friends or family members are not being specific when they preach this advice. Knowing which type of fiber you need is especially important if you suffer from a gastrointestinal disease. Learn about the two types of fiber, their benefits and how to make peace with the potty by properly feeding your bowels.

4 Ways To Avoid Athlete's Foot At The Gym

Athlete's foot is a contagious skin disease that's caused by fungi. It makes the soles of your feet itchy and scaly, and it can even lead to painful cracks in between your toes. As the name suggests, people who spend a lot of time working out in gyms are at risk of getting this disease. While you probably know that you shouldn't walk around the locker room in your bare feet, there are other, less obvious things you can do to protect yourself.

3 Treatments To Decrease Clogged Arteries

Clogged arteries increase your chances of having a stroke, heart attack and even death. Every year in the United States more than 700,000 people suffer from a heart attack. This condition is also called arterial plaque. Arterial plaque results from the buildup of plaque on the inner walls of your arteries. It decreases blood flow and can completely block your arteries. However, a clogged artery treatment is necessary to prevent additional accumulation from arterial plaque.

Allergic To Bee Stings? Use These Tips To Stay Out Of Their "Bees"-Ness

From immediate swelling around the sting site and the development of itchy hives to difficulty breathing and a deadly closure of your airway, it is easy to see how allergic reactions to a bee sting can be frightening. Unfortunately, many people do not realize they are allergic to bee stings until it is too late. You can find out if you're allergic by visiting a site like http://www.oakbrookallergists.com to find allergy testing services.

3 Things You Need To Know About Knuckle Pads

Heloderma, also called knuckle pads, is a skin condition that is characterized by the development of fibrous growths on the skin that covers the knuckles. Here are three things you need to know about knuckle pads. What are the signs of knuckle pads? If you develop knuckle pads, you'll see well-defined growths on the skin that covers your knuckles. The growthsusually develop individually, so it can take years for all of your knuckles to become affected.