Recovering From Ptosis Surgery: Important Dos And Don'ts

If you've been diagnosed with ptosis, then there's a good chance your doctor has at least had a conversation with you about the possibility of undergoing eyelid surgery. Specifically, ptosis refers to the drooping of the upper eyelid; in severe cases, it can severely affect one's eyesight, which is when surgery to remove a portion of the eyelid may be recommended. If you decide to go through with such a surgery, however, there are some important tips for recovery that you'll want to keep in mind.

Chiropractic Treatment Of A Herniated Disc

The box you picked up off of the floor was a little too heavy and you didn't use your legs as you're supposed to. You suddenly feel a sharp pain in your lower back followed by numbness and tingling down one of your legs. These are typical symptoms of a herniated disc. Your local chiropractor specializes in injuries of the spine. Here is what just happened to your back and how the chiropractor will help get rid of your pain.

3 Ways To Speed Up Healing After Breast Implant Surgery

Have you recently scheduled an appointment for a breast augmentation? If so, and if you're going to be receiving breast implants, then you should expect to be restricted from certain activities for 24-48 hours after your surgery; furthermore, your body may need a couple of weeks to heal completely. Of course, to help speed up the recovery process and ensure your body heals properly, there are a few steps you can follow:

4 Spring Cleaning Tips for Allergy Sufferers

Anyone who suffers from allergies knows how dreadful spring cleaning can be. Even the process of cleaning causes settled allergens like dust, dander and pollen to become airborne. Whether it is sensitivity to chemicals or dust, the beginning of the new spring season brings on sneezes, itching and watery eyes. Read these four tips designed to help control allergy symptoms while you clean. Vacuum with a HEPA filter. Just stepping into a room with pet dander or dust mites often triggers allergic reactions.

Caring For Your Feet In Cold Weather: What You Should Know

Winter weather can be harsh and unyielding. It wreaks havoc on your body causing anything from dry skin to hives, and many other uncomfortable ailments. One aspect of your health that you may not have considered with regard to the winter weather is your feet. Cold weather doesn't just affect your face, neck, and other skin that is directly exposed to the cold air, but also every other aspect of your body.