Diabetes, Periodontal Disease And Dental Implants: Understanding The Connection

Diabetes is a widespread condition that affects nearly 30 million people within the United States. If you happen to be included in this figure and you're considering the idea of having dental implants installed, you probably have some concerns. This is particularly true when it comes to periodontal disease and the effect it can have on dental implants: Diabetes And Periodontal Disease Diabetics are at an increased risk for developing periodontal disease, also known as gum disease.

Preparing For A Colonoscopy

A colonoscopy is a painless procedure that is done under anesthesia, yet many individuals hesitate to have it performed because of its invasive nature and unpleasant preparation procedures. Yearly colonoscopies are recommended when an individual reaches age fifty, but they may be performed on younger patients with symptoms or strong family histories of colon cancer. Basically, a cable with a camera attached is inserted into the rectum and travels through the colon, looking for signs of early and advanced stage cancer, or precancerous polyps, which are small growths along the surface of the colon.

Modern Day Back Pain: How Ancient Cultures Avoided This Affliction

In the modern world, most people work sitting down at a desk all day or are engaged in some kind of manual labor. Whether you're an athlete or a couch potato, both back and neck pain seem to be a very common problem, especially among more developed nations. Straining to see a screen or looking down at a smartphone can wreak havoc on the muscles in the neck, shoulders, and back, and can be part of the reason why so many of us experience this issue.

3 Signs That Your Elderly Parent Might Need Rehabilitative Care

If you have an elderly parent, you probably do everything that you can to take good care of him or her. In some cases, however, you might not know about the care that your loved one needs. For example, in some situations, your parent might be better off in a rehabilitative facility than at home. These facilities focus on providing safe environments while fully monitoring their patients, providing them with physical therapy and otherwise helping them to get as healthy and strong as possible.

Could Ovarian Cysts Be Hindering Your Fertility?

If you've spent more than a few months trying to conceive your first child, you may be wondering whether you could have fertility problems. But before you head off to a reproductive endocrinologist for heavy-duty testing and treatment, you might want to visit your gynecologist to rule out ovarian cysts as a cause. Fortunately, these cysts are easily treatable in most cases, and this treatment may be sufficient in itself to allow you to get pregnant.