What Is Causing My Knee Pain?

If you experience knee pain, you can take comfort in knowing that you have a lot of company. The knee is one of the most commonly injured parts of the body both due to how frequently it is used and how it is designed. Unfortunately, this means there are a lot of potential causes for your knee pain. Before you look into the cause of your knee pain, you will need to consider all of your symptoms.

How Does Medicolegal Reporting Benefit Those Filing for Disability?

Winning a disability case is often a long and stressful process. If you do not have all the needed information proving you are permanently disabled, it may lead to years of struggling to win your case. This is why filing for disability often requires the help of both an attorney and your physicians and specialists who have treated you. With the help of medicolegal reporting, you can more easily prove to the Social Security Disability Administration that you are indeed unable to work.

What Movie Characters Tell About Addictive Behaviors

Popular culture in the form of big screen movies is big business. In fact, it is not unheard of for a movie to make over $200 million in its opening weekend at the box office. However, have you ever stopped to consider that what you may be flocking to the theaters to view are characters who are displaying classic symptoms of addictive behavior? Behavioral addictions are said to be emerging at an annual rate of about 47 percent and are often not fully understood by even clinicians.

Affording Straight Teeth: How To Finance Orthodontic Treatment

If you have always had a desire for straight teeth, but lacked financing options, you are not alone. Many people struggle to pay their bills and have enough left over for orthodontic treatment. While some dental insurance policies do have orthodontic coverage, they have limitations. Perhaps you want Invisalign or ceramic braces, but your insurance policy only covers the cost of traditional metal braces. Whatever the case, you are probably looking for other ways to finance your orthodontic treatment.

The Working Man And Heart Disease

Regardless of the kind of work you do, whether it's a desk job or construction laborer, you are susceptible to heart disease. Diet, exercise, and heredity are all factors affecting a man's heart. If you don't have a physical on a regular basis, you should make an appointment with a cardiologist. These heart specialists will tell you how at risk you are of developing a cardiac disease. The following heart diseases are common in men, and something you want to know about and avoid.